Artist Statement
Through the exploration of the personal and social impacts of prescription medications on the human condition, I have discovered that their side effects on myself and others are far greater than I had ever anticipated. The deeper I dig into my subconscious, the further back I find the origins of these impacts. Most of us are taught at a young age to take medicine when we don’t feel well for a stomach ache, headache, sore throat, fever, or even the imaginary boo-boo. As we age, we begin to reach for pills for other ailments or what may be deemed as ailments: weight, concentration, emotional stability, beauty, etc. In these teachings, we have unknowingly created habitshabits so ingrained that we don’t realize they’ve become a part of us. Whether it’s taking one pill a day for the occasional headache or completing a 30-day treatment, the act of reaching for the bottle, opening it, inserting the pill into our mouth, and swallowing has become a lifelong instinct.
From these personal experiences, social interactions, media, and cultural influences, I create, I write, I perform, I question and I repeat.